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1. How will the software integrate with current systems?


How will the software integrate with your current systems?

Will it require significant changes to the way data is collected and managed?

Make sure to understand how the software will fit into your current workflow for a smooth transition.


2. Security features


Security is a critical consideration when it comes to portfolio management software.

What are the security features of the software?

Look for software that has robust security features, including data encryption and multi-factor authentication, and regular security updates to ensure that the data is safe from breaches.


3. Reporting


What reporting features are available? Does it offer customizable reports that can be tailored to the specific needs of you and your clients? Are the reports easy to generate and share?

Understanding the reporting capabilities of the software is essential for providing accurate and timely information to clients.


4. Costs


Analyzing and comparing costs can be fastidious since all vendors don’t have the same pricing policy. Here a some questions that will help you :

  • What is the cost of the software?
  • Is it a one-time purchase or a subscription-based service?
  • Will there be additional costs for updates or customer support?

Understanding the costs associated with the software is essential for budgeting and ensuring that the investment is worthwhile.


5. Compliance rules


Can the software manage all the compliance rules?

Look for software that has built-in compliance features to avoid regulatory issues, and can generate reports that meet regulatory requirements.

Ask how and if the compliance rules can be personalized for different markets.


6. Scalability


Will the software be scalable? Will it be able to handle a growing client base and increasing data volumes? Can it be customized to meet the evolving needs of your business?

Understanding how the software can grow with your business is essential for long-term success.


7. Client support


What level of client support is available?

Look for software that offers comprehensive customer support, including phone and email support, online resources, and user communities.

Additionally, the software should have a dedicated account manager to help with any issues that arise.

You can also ask where the support team is located if your have a special ESG policy.


8. Training requirements


What are the training requirements for the software? Will it require significant training for staff to use effectively? Is there online training available?

Understanding the training requirements is essential for ensuring that the software is used to its full potential.


9. User interface


What is the user interface like?

Look for software that is intuitive and easy to use, and customizable to meet the unique needs of you and your team.


10. Connectivity with custodian banks


Does the software connect to custodian banks?

Being interfaced with your partner banks and being able to automatically import operational data or market data (positions, movements, quotations) are a source of efficiency and productivity for your company.

If you are working with four or more custodians, consider using a centralized solution for e-banking terminals.


11. Cloud-based or on-premise


Is the software cloud-based or on-premise?

Can the software be available on a secured private cloud ?

Cloud-based software offers more flexibility and accessibility, while on-premise software offers more control and security.


12. Data integration capabilities


What are the data integration capabilities of the software?

Can it integrate with other tools and data sources used by the wealth manager?

Is the integration seamless and reliable?

Understanding the data integration capabilities is essential for ensuring that data is accurate and up-to-date.


13. Alternative investments


Can the portfolio management solution manage alternative investments?

How are non-financial assets managed, valorized and consolidated ?


14. Customization


What is the level of customization available?

Can it be customized to meet the unique needs of you and your clients?

Does it offer flexibility in terms of reporting, data analysis, and other features?


15. Data analysis & visualization


What are the data analysis capabilities of the software?

Does it offer robust data analysis tools to help with decision making?

Can it provide insights into trends and patterns in client data?

Does the software provide a clear visualization of data with dashboards ?

Understanding the data analysis capabilities is essential for making informed investment decisions.


16. Automation capabilities


Can the software automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry and portfolio rebalancing ?

Can it generate automatic alerts in case of compliance anomaly ?

Does it allow automation with external applications ?


17. Portfolio modeling


Does the software offer robust portfolio modeling and rebalancing tools?

Understanding the features available for portfolio modeling and rebalancing is essential for effective portfolio management.


18. Track record of the software provider


How long has the software provider been in business?

What is their reputation in the industry ?

Are they known for providing quality software and customer support?



Discover KeeSense, among the best portfolio management software since 2009


Every wealth manager is looking to optimize their operations and strengthen their client relationships by using a best-in-class portfolio management software. What if you could have such a tool? KeeSense is a leading portfolio management solution, offering an intuitive user experience, advanced reporting features, and top-notch security.

If you are convinced, do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about KeeSense. Our experts will be happy to help you assess your portfolio management needs and priorities.